Tuesday 23 September 2014

Mirrors Poster Analysis


In this poster the main attention is drawn to the girl who is top centre of the poster. The main image of the girl makes it seem like she is screaming, an alternative is that she is not in fact screaming but she is having her jaw pulled down by someone or something. In this image we are also drawn to her widen eyes which can suggest that she can see something distressing or that linking to the view of having her jaw pulled that in some way she is being tortured. There is also a hint of red smeared down her face showing a feel of blood and violence.

The main title is ‘Mirrors’ this is centred near the bottom of the poster. Mirrors is the biggest and boldest word we see on the poster drawing us into the name of the poster as well as the gruesome picture above. In the movie title Mirrors the letter ‘R’ is the wrong way round bringing emphasis to the fact that the film is called Mirrors. At the top of the poster is tells is that this film is directed by the same person her directed another famous film ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ this will automatically attract fans of that movie. The name of the director is placed above the name of the film which will once again attract fans from his other films. The final part of the poster that can be seen clearly and is bold is right at the bottom of the poster which is where it tells us when the film is being released.

Lighting and Colour
In this poster the image of the girl stands out clearly as the background to the poster is black as if she is emerging from the darkness behind her, there is what seems to be a light above the girls head as her forehead and checks are light bringing attention to the darkness of her eyes, then the light fades down her face until the top of her mouth. The what seems to be blood smeared across her face connects with the red of the movie title.

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