Friday 21 November 2014

Research and Planning: Magazine Font Analysis

Magazine Font Analysis
The font used for the masthead in magazines in the horror genre are quite specific and unique to the type of magazine. The masthead used in "Scream" is in the colour red to represent blood and also the font resembles blood dripping. This fits in with the genre of the magazine and also the tag line"Blood, Guts, Gore and More!". The colour red has connotations of danger and blood and it it also a colour that stands out to an audience. The word 'Fang' is associated with vampires and blood and the word 'Goria' is associated with gore and horror, this overall means the readers of the magazine are 'fans of gore'. Gore films often include a lot of violence, fighting and blood this could show the target audience are probably fans of Slasher horror films. The font for the masthead is effective as it resembles the shape of fangs. Again the colour of the masthead is red, the colour used by many film magazines such as Empire. Both Fangoria and Scream use a white outline in the masthead to make it stand out on the page to the reader.

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