Friday 21 November 2014

Horror Poster Font Analysis

These fonts are from different horror film posters, when looking through all the posters I noticed that the colours scheme is red white and black as these all connote the horror genre. Red has connotations of horror, blood and gore. Red is widely used to indicate danger. The colour black has connotations of death, evil and mystery. Black is a mysterious colour as it is associated with fear and the unknown.

The first font ‘The Uninvited’ is all in lower case letters, white in colour and the font is easy to read as the background to the poster is dark in colour to make it stand out. The font appears hand written giving a scary feel to the audience as if it has been written by a villain.

The second font ‘Sinister’ is all in capital letters. It is black in colour and the font stands out as it is emboldened. There is also a shadow underneath the letters giving it an eerie feel and fitting in with the horror genre.

The third font ‘Orphan’ is in both capital and lower case letters it is again white in colour on a dark blue background so that it is easy to read as it stands out boldly. This font also looks like it has been written by hand and not computer generated, almost as if it has been written by an orphan.

The last and final font is ‘Insidious’ this font is slightly different to the other fonts, The font is red and white following the colour scheme of horror. The two letters 'S' and 'I' are the only two in red which may be noticeable to an audience and intrigue them to learn more about the film. Again the text is placed on a black background.

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